The Ultimate Guide to Super Bowl Prop Betting

There is no greater event for prop betting than the Super Bowl. Each year, this final NFL game draws an audience of millions and provides a huge market for avid sports bettors. Unlike other NFL games, the Super Bowl comes loaded with a wide selection of prop bets that you won’t find anywhere else.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Super Bowl prop betting, including how it works, the types of prop bets available, how to find the best Super Bowl prop bets, and more.

How Are Super Bowl Prop Bets Different From Other Prop Bets?

Betting on Super Bowl prop bets is no different from betting on prop bets during the regular season. The biggest difference you will notice during the Super Bowl is that you have access to a much larger selection of prop bets than before.

Super Bowl betting is also very competitive among sportsbooks, so you will find some variation in the odds offered as well. This is also the case during the regular season, only the Super Bowl comes with special promotions as the sportsbook attempts to bring in new bettors.

Types of Super Bowl Prop Bets

As we mentioned above, the Super Bowl brings more prop bets to the market than any other sporting event. As a result, we have several different types of prop bets to choose from. While some are skill-based bets, the majority of prop bets offered for the Super Bowl are based on luck.

Super Bowl Game Props

Super Bowl game props are the same as regular prop bets but with more attractive odds. Use game props to bet on specific outcomes within the game without the final result of the game affecting you. Some examples include:

  • How many touchdowns will be scored?
  • Will there be a safety?
  • Who will win Super Bowl MVP?

Super Bowl Team Props

Team props let you bet on a specific team’s performance within the game. These are mostly the same as game props, but with a specific focus on just one team. Examples include:

  • Will Team A score first?
  • How many rushing yards will Team A finish with?
  • Does Team A score on their first drive?

Super Bowl Player Props

Individual player props are a lot of fun during the Super Bowl. This lets you bet on your favorite players’ performance rather than their team winning or losing. Some examples include:

  • Will Player A score more than 1 touchdown?
  • Will Player A get a catch on the first drive?

Super Bowl Halftime Props

Super Bowl halftime prop bets are where things begin to get interesting. Not only can you bet on the game, but you can also bet on certain aspects of the halftime show.

These bets are typically entirely based on luck but offer some decent payouts if you happen to win. Below are some popular examples of Super Bowl halftime prop bets:

  • Duration of the halftime show – How long will the halftime show last (minutes and seconds)?
  • First song performed – What will be the first song performed during the halftime show?
  • Total number of songs – How many songs will be performed during the halftime show?
  • Wardrobe malfunction – Will there be a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show?
  • Stage prop – Will the performer use any stage props?

Super Bowl Commercial Props

Commercial prop bets during the Super Bowl allow you to wager on some of the advertisements you’ll see during breaks from the game. This category of prop betting gets very creative, and the best you can do is guess and hope you’ve hit the mark.

Some popular Super Bowl commercial prop bets include:

  • First brand shown in a commercial – Who will be the first brand to feature a commercial after kickoff?
  • Celebrity appearances – Will any celebrities appear in Super Bowl commercials? Which ones?
  • Length of commercial – Some commercials are announced ahead of time, allowing you to wager on the length of it.
  • Film trailers – How many movie trailers will be shown throughout the game?
  • Animals in commercials – Will any commercials feature a specific animal?

Super Bowl Celebrity Props

The biggest sporting event of the year naturally attracts some of the biggest celebrities on the planet. So much so that sportsbooks have been able to offer odds on specific scenarios.

Some example Super Bowl celebrity prop bets include:

  • Specific celebrity appearance – Will a specific celebrity (picked by the sportsbook) be shown on camera during the game?
  • Celebrity commercial cameo – Will a specific celebrity appear in a Super Bowl commercial?
  • Celebrity fan gear – Will a celebrity be shown wearing the colors of one of the teams in the game?
  • Celebrity in the stands – Will there be a celebrity sitting in the stands with the rest of the fans?
  • Celebrity coin toss – Will a celebrity be involved in the coin toss at the beginning of the game?

Super Bowl Exotic Props

The Super Bowl is known for its exotic prop bets. These are prop bets that don’t fall into any other specific categories. Some examples include:

  • Gatorade color – What will be the color of the Gatorade that is dumped on the winning team’s coach?
  • Coin toss outcome – Will the coin land on heads or tails?
  • First play type – Will the first play of the game be a run or a pass?
  • Jersey number – What will be the jersey number of the first player to score in the game?
  • Injury timeouts – How many injury timeouts will there be throughout the game or in a specific half?

Super Bowl Live Props

Super Bowl live prop bets are simply prop bets that you can make while the game is being played. This most often includes betting on the next play or upcoming drive. A few examples include:

  • Result of the next play – Will it be a run, completion, incomplete, interception, or touchdown?
  • Next player to score – Who will be the next player to score a touchdown?
  • Next timeout – Which team will take the next non-injury timeout?
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How Do You Find the Best Super Bowl Prop Bets?

Part of the appeal of prop bets is the potentially lucrative payout that comes with them. Part of maximizing this profit is knowing how to find the best Super Bowl prop bets. Luckily, you can achieve this with a few simple steps.

Watch News and Social Media Surrounding the Game

Pay extra close attention to player news and social media accounts in the weeks leading up to the game. Knowing every update is crucial if you intend to bet on an individual player or team. Things like sickness, injuries, and other outside distractions can have a huge impact on overall performance, which will influence how you want to make your bet. 

There are many great social media accounts out there that provide real insights and updates the minute they break the news. (Consider ESPN, Reddit’s r/Sports, etc.) Follow these accounts and pay attention to what they’re saying about players and the matchup. This will help you be better informed when it comes time to place your bets. 

Check the “Entertainment” Sections at Sportsbooks

Some of the available Super Bowl prop bets might not always be found in the NFL section of the sportsbook. Be sure to check the “entertainment” section as well, as there are likely many great Super Bowl props hiding there.

This is where you’ll find many of the Super Bowl commercial and halftime show bets, along with any other miscellaneous bets that don’t fit into another category. 

Sign Up for Multiple Sportsbooks

Super Bowl betting is great for bettors because all the sportsbooks are competing for your business. This is why it’s important to sign up for multiple sportsbooks to check all the different odds and promotions being offered. Doing this will help you find the best value possible, and gives you access to an even larger selection of Super Bowl props. 

Follow Expert Picks and Betting Advice

There’s no shame in following the lead of an expert, especially when it comes to luck-based prop bets found during the Super Bowl. A good expert can help back their recommendations by providing additional context through statistics and historical data. If you don’t have the time to research this for yourself, then we’d highly recommend following the advice of an expert.

There are many “experts” out there, so be mindful when finding ones to follow. Check the win-loss record if they have one available, and spend your time following people who can provide data to back their recommendations. 

Tips for Betting on Super Bowl Props

There are an endless number of tips that we could offer for betting on Super Bowl props, but for the sake of time, we’re going to cover the crucial top five. 

Don’t Overspend

Above anything else, it’s important to set a budget and spending limit for the bets you plan on making. The Super Bowl brings a lot of excitement to fans and bettors, and you don’t want this hype leading you into spending habits that you’ll regret later on. We recommend depositing your budget limit when you first sign up with the sportsbook to get the most out of any offers they have.

Diversify Your Bets

The Super Bowl has both skill- and luck-based prop bets. While you can gain an edge with skill-based prop bets, they don’t always pay out as well as luck-based props. On the other hand, bets with an outcome based on luck have a lower chance of hitting. This is why it’s good to get a healthy mix of both types when placing your bets. Stick to what you know and trust your first instincts.

Keep Emotions In Check

As we just mentioned above, the Super Bowl brings a lot of hype with it. Avid fans tend to consider this an emotional day, especially for those who have more on the line, such as bettors and fans of the teams playing in the game. The last thing you want is for your emotions to lead to rash betting decisions that cause you to chase your losses. Keep your emotions in check and have a strategy in place if things aren’t going well.

Consider Time & Location

When placing prop bets on the Super Bowl, especially commercial and celebrity-based bets, it’s important to consider the time and location of the Super Bowl. For instance, cities with larger markets such as Los Angeles and New York are more likely to draw in celebrities. The location of the Super Bowl can also greatly impact the commercials you see.

Don’t Overthink

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a bettor is overthinking the bets you want to place. Overthinking can lead to self-doubt, which will often result in you straying away from your original choice. More often than not, your first instinct will be your best choice. Remember, the ultimate goal of sports betting is to add a level of fun and excitement to the game, so be sure to relax and have fun with it.

Gain An Edge During This Super Bowl

To summarize, you’ll never find a better sporting event for prop betting than the Super Bowl. With a huge selection of bets across several categories, there is an endless number of possibilities of what you can wager on. With billions bet on the Super Bowl each year, there’s a good chance you could walk away with more than you started.

One of the best ways to gain an edge on sportsbooks is to review stats and historical data and make informed betting decisions based on the most likely outcomes. That’s where an expert handicapper can help make a difference. Register for our premium handicapping service today and gain access to all the data and recommendations you need to be a successful bettor during the Super Bowl. 

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