Important Pay Per Head Reports to Analyze Daily as a Bookie
You can have the absolute best pay per head service in the industry and you can still fail as a bookie. Just because you … more
Learn to Bet Series: Sweetheart Teaser Strategy
A sweetheart teaser is also known as a monster teaser at some sportsbooks. It is a unique bet that, like a regular … more
League of Legends Prop Bets at PNXBet
Do you bet on League of Legends (LoL)? Did you know that there are dozens of League of Legend prop bets to … more
MLB Futures- Who’s Going to Win The American League
The updated MLB odds to win the American League Pennant runs six deep with teams having +1000 odds or lower. That paints the picture … more
Run Football Pools, Squares and Parlay Cards with Pelican PPH
Bettors love bookies that can offer them something different, something that no one else is putting out on the table. Sure, you’ve … more