How Does Location Influence NFL Betting?

There are countless ingredients to consider when it comes to cooking up the perfect NFL bet. That said, one obvious aspect that many people overlook is location.

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How does location influence NFL betting? Below, we delve into several location-based factors that can have a big impact on how an NFL game pans out.

Home-Field Advantage

Home-field advantage plays a key role in most sports and football is no different. Typically, the home team in a matchup holds a significant edge over the visiting team for various reasons.

The main reason is that home teams are spurred on by their fans, meaning they get an extra push from the crowd. On top of that, players generally feel more comfortable playing in familiar surroundings.

Roughly 57% of NFL games are won by the home team, putting the traveling team at a distinct disadvantage. With that in mind you, you should always consider home-field advantage when betting on NFL games.

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Excessive Travel Times

Due to the sheer size of the United States, NFL teams are often required to travel long distances for games. Excessive travel can take its toll on players’ physical and mental well-being, leading to below-par performance.

For example, if the New England Patriots have a road game against the Los Angeles Chargers, the Patriots will have to travel all the way from the east coast to the west coast. Flying across the entire country can take six hours, which is a long time to be on an airplane.

Plus, there are several time zones within the US. Teams playing outside of their usual time zone will naturally fatigue quicker, so you should bear that in mind when it comes to betting on the NFL.

Climate, Weather and Altitude

As we already mentioned, the United States is a big place. Consequently, the country is home to many different climates and altitudes, while weather conditions vary drastically from state to state.

Teams that are used to playing in warm weather often struggle when they have to play in cold conditions. Similarly, teams that are based in colder regions often find it difficult to reach their top level while playing in hot or humid conditions.

Altitude can also have a big impact on NFL games. If a matchup is taking place at a high altitude, the chances are that the road team will not have acclimatized to the conditions, giving the home team a sizeable advantage.

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Playing Abroad

The NFL is now a global brand, with games taking place around the world. The International Series takes NFL games to Europe, giving fans in countries like England and Germany the chance to watch matchups in the flesh.

It is worth noting that International Series games often produce unusual results, as both teams are playing in an unfamiliar location. This is another factor to consider when it comes to betting on NFL games abroad.

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Josh Bates
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