NHL Handicappers Hit the Doldrums in Week 3

Last week was a tough one for our NHL handicappers, as many of our top players were rocked off their high horses. Some cappers see lucky streaks, and others hit rock bottom. 

Take a look to see which cappers were unseated last week!

Patrick Doyle Shows NHL Capping Improvement

AD 4nXfL XI0CLTklLvuk2u7l9Aed 0UAS2Eg56oR kVSVOHBOVxxJWxiaiuZM5Uubh6Okej wlCG2a O0 5S7 k JPgMS IgWAK4OhPVm6erY6SNOTKvdt4q0XakoMNjObTZk874Nb97aZxRetI GKUQQMdowg?key=otKaA6B yLIvCV6V7VQmap4X

Patrick Doyle has been capping on ScoresandStats for just about a year, and he’s shown a lot of improvement in the past week. He’s 4-2 for his NHL wagers, and he’s up $240. 

During the NHL season last year, he was 6-7, so he’s already changed his betting strategy. 

Looking at his full list of wagers, it’s clear he struggles to bet on the underdogs for moneylines, so it’s good to see that he’s not filling out his betting slip with all underdog wagers this season. He did lost two underdog wagers, though, so it’s worth watching out for that as the season progresses. 

To be on the safe side, I’d follow Doyle’s picks when they’re in the favorite, since his track record is still a bit rusty. 

AD 4nXdsBIYq7ZuTbVGlqomEWgxGX0A X91xPhVN5 54jUwaZeVeINj82auOgmirVMUinFGtNrpvFt8Olu TEjcub4XlCnUm69A2Qir01OSsfYKBVquGXfpF1oZN12caOSeyQtR9 DVk1sK5rLrzinZYrBqRu k?key=otKaA6B yLIvCV6V7VQmap4X

Top NHL Handicappers Last Week

Last week was a slow week for our NHL handicappers. Knup Sports certainly put in work, but they only managed to eke out $200 over 21 won wagers. 

Ben Burns and Gino De Luca are coming in with their 100% win rates, but only a handful of wagers between them. However, they both managed to win more than Knup Sports. 

AD 4nXdoXsvpcOPP0a6xNjwPEpB5J3OIae aD9USaPg6A8YCRLNzo79j7bIum3nLIPvsMfuFg6EuD70TSVI9qHTILWd0izuNaueuyiLBxTnPj nfZiyzt2VtEL199ZYjYY5L800CvuuiaFbUClTPcfQeeo8IYLSH?key=otKaA6B yLIvCV6V7VQmap4X

Amedeus Mastrangelo Falls Off the List

Last week, we saw Mastrangelo in the top five with three straight wins and a profit of $324. This week, however, he’s 2-2 with a net $0 profit. 

Tough luck for Mastrangelo, who made a risky wager on the Sharks against the Golden Knights on the 26th. Based on this data, Mastrangelo is also struggling with his dogs picks, as his two wins were favorites. 

Hopefully he can pull out of this rut next week!

AD 4nXfGSR7v9P419S3RdlUyKDULEngGQVHDcIfDNmmvUQfCt 5EAwxOLgWyXYxvKn 47inQM7TVZtbxc1vko4f4xaxx3 trcDeLOCPxwkV 206A DSp9RtGZ2Tdr9 lSVMqUhWBWmZpMPv5tOoaTW5f 9BQpo7?key=otKaA6B yLIvCV6V7VQmap4X

NHL Games to Watch Out For This Week

After last week, the Florida Panthers are holding strong as the #1 in the Atlantic Division. The New Jersey Devils unseat the Rangers as #1 in the Metropolitan division, while the Jets and Golden Knights are leading in the Western Conference. 

This week, we get the Global Series games between the Dallas Stars and the Florida Panthers, played Friday, Nov. 1 and Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Nokia Arena in Tampere, Finland. 

Both teams are doing really well this season, so it’ll be a great matchup to see. 

Back home, we’re excited to see the Tampa Bay Lightning take on the Winnipeg Jets on Nov. 3. The Lightning are fighting for a top seat, while the Jets have been doing really well. It should be a close game. 

If you’re interested in what our cappers are picking for this week, sign up at ScoresandStats.com for a free membership to see what’s up! 

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Kody Miller
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Kody Miller has over a decade of experience in the sports betting industry, where he has worked closely with content, marketing, and SEO teams. With a deep understanding of the field, Kody's goal is to deliver the highest quality content to readers, ensuring they have access to accurate, engaging, and insightful information.

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